
Pastor zacc kawalala
Pastor zacc kawalala

Those that are of opposing view have a problem" It was a good time and one of the military officials in charge in the funeral hall bore testimony saying: "We thank God for the wonderful time. I enjoyed the praise and was special to me, for Mrs Mutharika was not ordinary person to me.she was dignified and kind.and special!! When he took over the microphone to lead the session, the atmosphere changed.the spirit of heaviness departed and there was vibrancy and an uplift in the room.

pastor zacc kawalala pastor zacc kawalala

Sam Maliza, that's the name the Malawi gospel music sector should watch out for. At some point people stood, hands raised in worship, and the bereaved family too could be seen clapping and singing. The mood in the funeral hall changed to one of celebration as the songs rang out. Then it was singing and singing for the next hour and half. George Mkandawire sang a great lamentation which was a medley with his current hit "Ulendo". Apostle Ndovie read from 2 Corinthians 5: 1-10. Apostles Stanley Ndovie, Madalitso Mbewe, Felix Zalimba and Timothy Khoviwa came, and so did Bishop Geoffrey Matoga, Pastor Augustine Mgala, Pastor Zacc Kawalala, Bishop Mark Kambalazaza.Īpostle Mbewe was director of ceremonies. Almost all the pentecostal church leaders in Blantyre were there.

pastor zacc kawalala

Praise and Worship was what the visit turned out to be. From two to four pm, the funeral hall at Sanjika Palace was filled with singing and clapping hands that characterise praise and worship in pentecostal churches.

  • Use me to rea ch the world with the Gospel.Yesterday, pentecostal churches went to Sanjika Palace in Blantyre to pay their last respects to the late First Lady Madame Ethel Mutharika.
  • Ask Him to gi ve you wisdom and show you wh at you can do to serve Him. Focus on God’s Word, be sensiti ve to His Spirit, and dedicate yo ur life to Him. God looks for people w ho are not complacent but committed to H im, people with a passion for H is Kingdom.īe on guard against trusting peop le just because they are well kno wn. We shou ld let Him shape our standards a nd attitudes. It is so much mo re important to seek God and foc us on His eternal Word. Others are influenced by clever ly produced advertisements or the thoughts of frien ds and neighbours. They do n ot pray or seek God but all ow their beliefs to be shaped by famo us people who are doing what see ms popular. They are complace nt and satisfied as long as the ir own needs are met. Many people are not serio us about their relationship with God or t he impact of sin. God warned abo ut the dangers of being “at eas e” and trusting people just because th ey were famous. Inste ad of focusing on God, they trust ed in “notable persons,” famous people w ho held important positions. They we re simply preoccupied with their own interests. They were n ot concerned about God, the condition of t he world, or the presence of s in – either in their own liv es or in the world. Many peop le in the time of Amos we re “at ease.” They were lounging in luxu ry and feeling secure. Inspired Word For Today – 3 rd October 2022Īmos 6:1 “Woe to y ou who are at ease in Zi on, and trust in Mount Samaria, notab le persons in the chief nation, to wh om the house of Israel comes!”
  • Help me have the coura ge to obey you and not wor ry about the opinions of others.
  • Ask God for the coura ge and faith to follow Him, regardle ss of what others say. God looks for peop le like Amos who will obey H im and not worry about how othe rs react. B ut we have only one recourse: We mu st obey God and do what He cal ls us to do.

    pastor zacc kawalala

    Others may question our background or qualificatio ns. We might find paralle ls in our own lives. Amaziah did not want to he ar this answer, but in the sig ht of God, this was the on ly perspective that mattered. As he admitt ed, he was simply a sheep breed er, a man who didn’t seem qualifi ed or trained to be a prophet.ī ut there was one difference: God h ad called him, and he was deliveri ng the messages He had given h im. By hum an standards, he seemed like an unlike ly person to deliver prophecies. Amaziah fe lt that Amos should focus on h is homeland of Judah, not on Isra el, so he told Amos to st op delivering his prophecies.Īmos should not ha ve been surprised by these accusations. Amaziah was far from God a nd more interested in his own opinio ns than in serving Him.Īfter listening to t he prophecies of Amos, Amaziah concluded th at this prophet was wrong and th at Amos’ words were inappropriate. As a priest, he w as expected to have special spiritual insigh ts. “Now Therefore, Hear The Wo rd Of The LORD.”Īmos 7:14-16 - “Am os answered, and said to Amaziah: ‘I w as no prophet, nor was I a s on of a prophet, but I w as a sheepbreeder … Now therefore, he ar the word of the LORD.’”Īmaziah w as offended. Inspired Word For Today – 4 th October 2022

    Pastor zacc kawalala